Little Known Facts About ceesdekker.

Little Known Facts About ceesdekker.

Blog Article

Working with solitary-molecule optical and AFM imaging and force-spectroscopy techniques, we search for to unravel the mechanistic facets of the construction and dynamics of chromosomes. Our research pursuits contain:

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I am able to rarely imagine how I, as being a geneticist, would have the capacity to learn basic physics, let alone compete at the very best. How did you go about this?

De sterke polarisatie in de discussie rond schepping/evolutie en meer algemeen rond geloof/wetenschap lijkt helaas geen eind te kennen. Toch is er wel degelijk een heilzame middenweg, maar deze krijgt above het algemeen weinig aandacht. Dit boek kan hier wellicht verandering in brengen. Wie de geschiedenis van de relatie tussen geloof en wetenschap in duikt, komt tot verrassende inzichten. De moderne mens leeft achieved veel stereotypen die historisch niet verantwoord blijken te zijn. Afgezaagde typeringen als ‘Vroeger dachten we dat de

SMC complexes can go Actual physical roadblocks bigger than their ring measurement, indicating a nontopological mechanism for DNA loop extrusion

We use nanofabricated microfluidic buildings to sample spatial boundaries for micro organism and biomimetic vesicles with reconstituted protein networks and this assess the fundamental function of spatial confinement in the molecular and cellular amount. Our jobs involve the subsequent:

Illustration (1) of bending configurations in 3D simulations of DNA rods on nanopores. A part of the membrane is shown in gray, the rim of the pore is highlighted in purple, along with a 3D rendering of your motion of your DNA rod is shown.

The rotors harness energy from the nanoscale h2o and ion stream that is definitely produced by a static chemical or electrochemical prospective gradient inside the nanopore, which can be set up through a salt gradient or applied voltage, respectively. These synthetic nanoengines self-organize and operate autonomously in physiological ailments, suggesting strategies to constructing Electrical power-transducing motors at nanoscale interfaces.

It absolutely was throughout this period that Dekker completed investigation on magnetic spin units and on sounds in superconductors and semiconductors.

In 1993 he was appointed as Associate Professor at Delft College of Technology. While in the mid-nineteen nineties Dekker and his team reached achievements with the discovery in the Digital Attributes of carbon nanotubes, the initial solitary-molecule transistor and various nanoscience.

1999, very first measurement of your wavefunction of single molecular orbitals of carbon nanotubes; and discovery of kink heterojunctions of carbon nanotubes which gave decisive proof to get a new Luttinger description of interacting electrons in nanotubes

2005, discovery on the system of DNA uncoiling by topoisomerase enzymes; discovery of extended-vary conformational adjustments in Mre11/DNA maintenance complexes; and very first drive measurements on a DNA molecule within a nanopore

‘I'm pushed by marvel and concerns. On a fabric degree I come across responses in physics, but I experience my deepest happiness with God. That faith also drives my science And the way I take care of persons.

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